IMPACT Grants support research aimed at overcoming challenges in MND research contributing to failed drug development and clinical trials.

IMPACT (IMProving and ACcelerating Translation) Grants support projects focused on one or more of the following key issues contributing to the lack of translation of effective treatments through to clinical trial for MND / ALS.
- disease heterogeneity
- lack of relevant preclinical models
- a lack of reliable disease biomarkers
- the challenge of drug delivery into the brain
- a lack of effective targeted gene therapies
- the untapped potential of stem cell therapy.
Applicants MUST address one of the six key issues to be considered.
Available funding
These grants support 2-year projects with a funding value of up to AUD $300,000.
Eligibility and how to apply
FightMND invites applications for research based in institutions worldwide. Investigators at all academic levels are eligible to submit applications.
Applications for IMPACT grants must be submitted through FightMND’s online grants management system, Fluxx.
The following documents will assist with your application:
Videos to guide your submission using the FightMND Grant Management System – Fluxx: