Leaving a Gift in your Will

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a devastating disease and currently, there are more than 2,000 Australians living with MND, with an average life expectancy of just 27 months from diagnosis.

Today, two Australians will die from MND, and two more will be diagnosed.

There is currently no truly effective treatment or known cure. 

This is why we fight. And this is why many of our supporters choose to leave FightMND a Gift in their Will.

Why leave a Gift in your Will

A Gift in your Will to FightMND is the gift of hope to the thousands of people who are diagnosed with MND every year.
Your legacy will be that one day, your loved ones might know a world free from MND.

Leaving a Gift in your Will benefits future generations with access to first class research and treatments for Motor Neuron Disease (MND).

Our Best Weapon against the Beast: Research

Investing in research continues to be our best weapon against the Beast, but it’s expensive and takes time.
Your generous gift will fund ground-breaking research into effective treatments and ultimately, a cure for the Beast that is MND.


How to leave a Gift in your Will

We understand writing your Will is a personal process and a time to reflect on what matters most. Leaving a Gift in your Will to FightMND gives hope to the thousands of people diagnosed with MND every year.

We respect that your family and loved ones come first and we are grateful for any size gift you may wish to leave FightMND in your Will.

We have prepared a suggested Will wording to leave a Gift in Will (Bequest) for your convenience.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us or complete the form below.

Eloise Shepherd, Gift In Wills Co-Ordinator | 03 7052 7004[email protected]

Peter Watkinson

Why I have left a gift in my Will to FightMND

I decided to leave a portion of my estate to FightMND.

It started when I heard Neale Daniher had been diagnosed and suddenly I became aware of the insidious condition and while I have been lucky not to have anyone close with MND, I was motivated to assist in finding a cure and support such a cause.

Unfortunately it takes a high profile person like Neale to bring the implications and the devastating impact of this condition to the attention of the broader community.

I have lost family members to cancer and I decided some time ago if I can assist in a small way to beating these conditions, I could do it through donations and ultimately through my estate.

If you have $1 or more to donate to FightMND, the amount does not matter as every donation makes you a member of this incredible FightMND team, and as a collective we all share the same aim which is to defeat the Beast as referred to by Neale Daniher.

As Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream”, and in my dream, I see a future where the Beast is broken, beaten and defeated and people who are diagnosed with this insidious condition can live a fruitful life.

I can see that day and, with every dollar donated, we can all stand proud and say we were part of a team that helped to defeat the Beast for good.

Contact us about leaving a Gift in your Will

Complete the form below to contact us about leaving a Gift in your Will or if you have any questions.